hot club srq

Keven Aland, a prodigy of Miltiades Siadimas, was born in Springfield, MA and began studying violin at age 7. Keven gave his solo debut with the Venice Symphony at age 14 performing Monti’s Ćzardas. During High School, Keven received highest honors in All-State Orchestra and recognition from Governor Martinez as recipient of the Southern Bell Fellowship two years in a row.

A graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder, Keven had a Fellowship with the London Symphony Orchestra and has played with the South Florida Orchestra, the Venice Symphony, the Sarasota Chamber Orchestra, the Transylvania Symphony Orchestra, and the Boulder Philharmonic.

After earning a performance degree from C.U. Boulder, Keven discovered his real passion was jazz. Since then, Keven has studied with Sandro Roy, Victor Prieto, John Serry, Christiaan Van Hemert and has shared the stage with Malcolm Chrupcala, Kenny Drew Jr., Michael Royal, Matt Bokulic, Larry Camp, Michael Joseph Harris and many other great artists.
Keven Aland is a co-founder of the Pleiades Ensemble and Lotus Fire and founder of Sampa Jazz and Hot Club of SRQ.

Jon McGlaughlin is an accomplished guitarist who has been studying, performing and teaching in SW Florida for almost 20 years. Jon studied with Rex Willis while attending Florida College and has become the area’s premiere rhythm guitarist as well as an extremely versatile and talented soloist.

A native of Sarasota, Florida, Jon has performed with many rumba flamenco/gypsy swing/tango bands including Los Listos, Los Rumberos, Cabal, and Douce Ambiance and most notably a member of The Lotus Fire and The Willie Royal Quartet.